River Ray @ leizhenpeng.com

Domain Email

Jun 17, 2020 · 2min

Saw a tweet from Evan You about the hey.com mail service recently. I got interested in having a short and nice email address. My current one in Hotmail is just too long to even being spell out in talk. hey.com looks very nice but $99/year is not a very good deal to me. I decide to use my own domain for receiving emails.

I did this a couple years ago for another domain, I kinda remember an open-source tool allowing forwarding emails by just adding DNS record. I took some time to search for it but I didn’t find the page matched with my memory. I went GitHub to search in my stared projects, it turns out the tool now becomes and Freemium SaaS forwardemail.net with a fresh new logo and website design that I can’t even recognize it.

The DNS forwarding feature just works the same, but it requires you to log in and register your domain now. I am glad it now being more well documented and charging for premium supports which can help it sustain.

The config is quite simple as usual, with just 3 DNS record:

MX   @  mx1.forwardemail.net  10
MX   @  mx2.forwardemail.net  20
TXT  @  forward-email=youremail@example.com

That’s it! It also provides some advanced configs, you can check the doc here.

While setting up and reading the docs, I learned that you can explicitly purge the cache for Cloudflare DNS and Google DNS. That’s a very good-to-know tip!

And now, you can say hi to me at hi@leizhenpeng.com!

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